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A meadow vole isolated on white background

Meadow Vole

Actual Size: 3.5 to 5 inches in length, or up to 8” including the tail.

Characteristics: Coarse brown and black fur, short legs, and small ears.

Habitat: Hidden beneath grass and dense foliage in underground burrows. .


  • Also referred to as a “meadow mouse” or “field mouse.”
  • Poor climbing abilities, typically only seen outside.
  • Intricate tunnel diggers, leading to damaged landscaping.

Meadow Voles in Southern Louisiana

Meadow voles, also known as “meadow mice” or “field mice,” are a rodent species native to North America. Unlike the slim bodies and long tails of common mice and rats, meadow voles are known for their shorter, cylindrical bodies. They are rarely seen indoors because their lack of climbing ability limits their access to buildings. Instead, they enjoy staying outdoors, creating intricate tunnel systems and pathways that can cause severe damage to lawns and landscaped areas. Their diet primarily consists of vegetation such as grasses and seeds, and their rapid reproduction can result in widespread destruction in a short amount of time.

Meadow Vole Habitat

Now that you’ve learned that meadow voles spend most of their time in underground tunnels, we can get into the details. These burrows are generally small without much depth, holding nests crafted from woven grass, leaves, and stems. They are typically hidden under thick vegetation or ground cover such as clover. Keeping your yard well-maintained and reducing overgrown plants can help reveal their concealed pathways, so regular upkeep is an important part of property care. Other signs of their activity include small greenish droppings about 3/16 of an inch long and small piles of cut grass near their burrow openings.

Meadow Vole Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although these tiny rodents typically pose a low risk to human health due to minimal interaction, they are still capable of spreading diseases like plague and tularemia. Even if they don’t often invade homes, they create major challenges for property owners by damaging crops, orchards, and young trees as they search for food. Their tendency to chew on tree trunks both above and below the ground can also cause significant harm to lawns, ground covers, and golf courses. If you suspect an infestation, contact Ja-Roy Pest Control for a detailed inspection and reliable pest control services to contain the issue immediately.

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